If applicant is not one of the above, the application must be accompanied by a notarized Affidavit to Release Cause of Death Information (DH Form 1959) signed by one of the above, along with any supporting documentation and a copy of valid photo ID of both the person authorizing release and the applicant. VALID PHOTO IDENTIFICATION IS REQUIRED WHEN REQUESTING CAUSE OF DEATH. Any person who provides documentation that he or she is acting on behalf of any of the above-named persons.Any person who provides a will, insurance policy or other document that demonstrates his or her interest in the estate.Decedent’s child, grandchild or sibling, if of legal age.The first five digits of the decedent’s social security number will be redacted.ĬAUSE OF DEATH INFORMATION: Death records less than 50 years old with the cause of death and full social security number are confidential and may only be issued to:

WITHOUT CAUSE OF DEATH: Any person of legal age (18 or over) may apply for a certified copy of a death record without the cause of death.